Monday, October 25, 2010

I Love Little Mama This Much

As I was comforting EG, because she put her hand on the lawnmower muffler, just after her daddy told her to stay away, Nature Girl comes running in and says Boop fell of the trampoline. Backwards.

I told NG to watch over EG. As I headed out the door, to find out exactly what happened, I saw the most precious sight a mother can behold. Little Mama had a crying Boop cradled in her arms, rocking him back and forth, trying to comfort him. He, was of course, sobbing, and just sitting on her lap. Letting her hold him, comfort him.

Those two spend a lot of time fussing at each other. So, it made the sight even more profound.

I am so, so thankful for my Little Mama. She has the biggest, kindest, most sympathetic, loving, compassoinate heart . . .

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