Sunday, May 15, 2011

Not a Silent Sunday

This is just something I want to remember, so if I don't post it, I will someday forget, because my brain gets to full of other stuff.

I put EG to bed and we sing two songs. "I pick, I pick," she says. But, it is always the same two songs. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star and Jesus Loves Me. All the while she is playing, twisting, stroking, running her long hair on the back of her head with her fingers.

When I am done singing, she leans up and we give kisses to each other. She then asks me, "You sit on the couch, in the middle?" To which I reply "Yes, I sit on the couch in the middle." Then she asks "You hang up my towel?" (Her towel from her shower.) "Yes, EG, I did hang up your towel. Thank you so much for reminding me. That is such a big help. You go night, night. If you sleep all night, in your crib, you get a juice box in the morning. I love you so much." EG, "I love you so much too."

Does she have to grown up . . .


Katie said...

Such sweet memories to treasure....

MollyMcFarland said...

AHHHHHHHHH I love her so so much! "Mommy, commme get meee. I get a juice box, I slept all niiiight."

Mary Beth said...

Dude....I LOVE that garden. Amazing! Hey wait,,,,are you here? how did I miss that? I need to email you!!!