Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Blueberries and Rope Swings

Today we went on our annual blueberry picking trip. We have been going every year for a bunch of years and it is one of the things we really love to do. Especially with friends!

We went early so as to avoid the heat and sun. Which worked pretty well. Although toward the end, I ended up hanging out with EG in the shade. She ate her way through the blueberries, as one would expect. The big kids enjoyed hanging out with their friends and picking, and eating some berries.

We got about a gallon. I was hoping for a little more because we will go through those so fast. There are so many great things to make in the summer with blueberries. Maybe we will try to go back.

After the hot blueberry picking, some of our friends were going to the spring, which was literally down the road. I, of course, decided against that this morning when we were leaving. (Too much hassle to get everything ready.)

But, I should know by now, that I usually, not always, but usually give in. So, the big kids got to jump off the rope swing into the really cold spring water. EG got to wade, almost waist deep in the little beach area. Although, she expressed an interest in jumping off the swing as well. I have to admit, if daddy were there, I think I would have said yes!

The kids were excited and very thankful to be able to swim. Even though it was in their clothes! Thank you K, for the pictures! Yet, another successful blueberry picking trip . . .


Mary Beth said...

I just love tihs post....I mean, really....berry picking and rope swings - does it get any better than that?! Summertime in the South...oh yeah!

Katie said...

Sounds like you guys have been having a great summer so far!