Saturday, December 5, 2009

Sign Language

One of the neatest things I learned when Nature Girl was born was that babies could sign before they could speak. That was intriguing to me. Back then, though, I didn't realize how useful it could really be!

It is such a strange time for a toddler. They understand so well what you are saying but lack the verbalization to answer or talk. A lot of times that turns into frustration for the child and the mom. I do not like being "yelled" at by a toddler who is unable to communicate. And because of the signing, I honestly don't remember there being a big problem with that.

I have a friend who has also taught her children basic sign language and she blogged one time about her son and signing. She was still nursing her baby boy who I think was walking at the time (if I have the story right) and he would follow her around the house signing "milk" meaning he wanted to nurse. Every time I visualize her little boy toddling around, following her "saying" "milk", "milk" it makes me smile!

Anyway, we mostly use it when we are eating. I start right away with signs for "more" and "please" and "thank you." A great one is "all done." After doing it for so long, I tend to make the signs even when they are not necessarily needed anymore! EG is a screamer. If she wants something she yells. And, of course, everyone in the house jumps to get what she needs. I am trying to get the bigger kids to encourage her to sign "more" or "please" so she doesn't get into the habit of being demanding. (Although, to some degree, I think it is too late ;)

It has been so wonderful to see my babies watching intently as I say a word over and over again and while signing the word. You can actually see EG's brain translating it! Unfortunately I have stopped at just those few basic words. The older kids have learned some signing along with VBS songs and I have thought many times that I would like the kids to learn sign language as their second language. It has been offered a number of times through our church.

I guess right now I will settle for "please", "thank you" and "all done" . . .

1 comment:

Katie said...

Even though all my children talk now, they sometimes still use sign language in conjunction with the actual words. Luke does the double-duty with 'milk', 'more' and 'all done'.
It's so sweet (and useful!) to see kids signing.... glad it's working out with your little one.