Friday, February 5, 2010

Things We Are Doing

At least as of today. Sort of thanks to No Greater Joy (the Pearls) and some other things I have come across. None of which are my original ideas - well, except for one maybe. ;)

The kids are going to really help me around the house. They have plenty of time during the day to help me with some of the daily things that need to get done. Unloading the dishwasher, wiping down the table, laundry, vacuuming, dusting, keeping bathrooms neat. They each have their daily chore and then they are going to assist me in whatever my projects are for the day. They have more than enough free time. My goals are three fold: I need the help, it teaches them life skills and, hopefully, it will teach them not to be lazy teenagers or adults, for that matter ;)

I read the Flylady email everyday and sometimes (very few times) I actually do it. So, I decided to have hubby give me a chore everyday (Fly Guy - ha, ha). Because he is not home all the time, he sees things I do not. Every morning I call him for my daily chore. I think it has been like 12 days in a row. I do other obvious things around the house. But, I find if I am doing the chore for him (as oppose to the Flylady) I am more likely to get it done!

For about a week now, I haven't turned the computer on until ALL my chores are done. And rarely do I get on FaceBook. I just don't have the self control needed to stop when my few minutes of down time are done. I am also trying to limit my blogging time to 15 minutes. Not doing so good today!

Today we had a stewardship lesson. My kids don't get allowance so I had been wondering how to give examples and take the time to explain some ideas. A while back I had gathered up some dollar bills (for just this lesson no doubt) and today I divided them up between the three older kids.

The first thing we talked about was tithing and how God expects it (every good and perfect gift is from the Lord - it is His to begin with). We talked about giving our "first fruits" and how God actually says "and try Me now in this, says the Lord of hosts, If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it." So, we put that money aside for Sunday.

Next, this is the most original idea I got off my homeschool loop, we talked about taking a tax out. I told the kids a tax is the money the government collects to support it's programs. (Trying to keep it simple ;) Anyway, I told them we would put their "tax" in an envelope and when they had enough money they could buy things for the pregnancy center or the animal shelter or elder care services or any other social service or government subsidized program. I thought this was such a great idea!

Then we set aside money for their savings accounts which can only be touched for big things like college and cars etc. The rest was their money was theirs to keep and spend how they want. That is the really hard part for me. Except for books, I am a pretty good about managing money. Not the least bit frivolous. Kids on the other hand, for the most part, want to spend it all, right away. Or they want to just keep it all for themselves. But, I read somewhere, that letting them spend it how they want will teach them real life lessons.

I think my 15 minutes are up . . .

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