Friday, February 27, 2009

Time With God

As with so many of my posts, they are inspired by decisions or situations that I am going through. Thoughts swirl around in my head and it is therapeutic for me to put them down on paper (computer.) It is part of my decision making process or to help solidify a decision I have made. Or in some circumstances to maybe see a different point of view. Today's post has to do with one of those tough decision making times. For the last couple of months I have been doing a weekly bible study with a good friend of mine. It serves so many purposes for the two of us. Most importantly I would say would be accountability. Who doesn't need accountability?? I know I do!! A huge purpose for me was to establish some kind of quiet time with the Lord to pray, read my Bible and to meditate on God's word and to learn to listen to what He wants to speak into my life. Admirable goals for any follower of Christ! But, then there is reality. As much as I want to establish some kind of quiet time, the reality of being a homeschooling mother of four young children doesn't lend itself to that. At least not now. I believe God wants us to rise early and meditate before the day gets going. The times that I have been able to do this there have been noticeable results. So, I have spent the last month or so beating myself up because my quiet time to read my Bible has been nonexistent. The last time I read my bible for bible study was in the doctor's office last week with all four kids! Now, I have no doubt in my mind that I am following God's direction for our family. Homeschooling and the number of children we have. So, if we are following God's direction surely He knows what that entails. I am not being lazy. I am not purposely choosing to not read His Word. I know He is a priority in my life but at this stage in my life it just looks different then someone who might have a little more "free time." I have to take my quiet time where I can get it now. In the shower, on the potty, in the middle of the night. I try first thing in the morning to thank God and ask Him for blessings on my husband and children and to fill us with His love. I am blessed by the fact that I homeschool because I get to study God's word along with my children. We are currently reading and "discussing" Proverbs. So, I am in His word daily just not quietly, by myself. I have to be a little more creative in meditating on His word such as my parenting calendar and reading scripture to EG. I have to trust that because I am doing what God wants for my life that He sees and knows. I think He has a little different expectation, right now for me. Now, I am not saying that as an excuse. I need to get organized. At some point, sooner rather than later, it will no longer be an excuse. I am not perfect and I know I fail on many occasions. And someday soon I will have more time and it will be my choice what I do with that time. But right now I am in a season Ecclesiastes 3:1 "To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: . . . " My relationship with God is so much stronger than it was 6 months ago. I am learning to go to Him for everything, to worship and praise Him. I am getting His word through raindrops. The rivers and lakes of His word will be coming soon . . .

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