Wednesday, October 7, 2009

EG the Explorer

Because our nursing time has decreased so drastically, I have found a new way to spend quality time with just EG. EG is the last to go to bed. So she and I go into Boop's room and I put her on the floor. She loves it! It is probably the safest room in the house because it hardly gets used except to sleep. There isn't a lot of little stuff lying around. She can explore in there with minimal amount of worry. So, I plop her down in the middle of the room and just watch.

Because she only sleeps in there, everything is new to her. The train table, the activity table, Boop's stuffed animals, cars and books. She starts exploring at the train table and picks up tracks and trains and looks at them and shakes them and then puts them in her mouth. She notices the rug on the floor and that it has patterns of a city on it with roads etc. so she places the trains on the rug and kind of moves them around. She then goes to the activity table that has wooden beads and shakes it to watch and hear what happens. Next, she spies a random toy left under the dresser and gets on her belly and pulls it out. And puts it in her mouth.

Off to the basket filled with books of all shapes, sizes and textures. She picks out a couple different ones and puts them in her mouth. Next it is to the stackable plastic chairs. They look steady enough but when she tries to pull herself up on them they topple over. Enough of those for now. Aahh, she spots some cords leading to the monitor. Quickly crawls over and grabs them. And puts them in her mouth. All the while she is exploring, she is looking over at me, sitting in the blue easy chair just watching her. She smiles, giggles, and off she goes to something else.

We do this for about 10 minutes. Then I get up out of the chair to get her. She looks at me and then tries to get away. But I am quicker, for now. I scoop her up and cuddle with her. Nurse her. Rock her. And then lay her in her crib. She buries her head into the mattress, grabs hold of the blanket or crib pad and just goes to sleep.

Oh, my beautiful baby girl . . .

1 comment:

Katie said...

EG sounds like such a sweetheart. How blessed you are to be able to spend alone time with her in such a lovely way.