Friday, October 10, 2008


I loved my grandma. I have so many memories of spending time with her. We really didn't do anything special and she didn't give me lots of stuff. We just kind of hung out I guess. I remember taking the Greyhound bus to visit her and I would roller skate in the parking lot of her apartment complex. She would fix me and my grandpa poached eggs on toast and he and I would sit at a little table for two and eat them. We didn't watch TV or play video games when we visited but we would take her big books and pile them up and make stairs and all kinds of interesting things. We would walk to George Webb's in the morning for breakfast. We would sometimes eat dinner at Petrie's. She would come to visit us for a week and stay for at least a month. During the holidays she would sit at our snack bar in the little corner of the kitchen while mom was cooking and she would be cutting celery for hours - kind of a family joke I guess :) But most of all, I remember her sharing a room with me and she would tell me these great stories of when she was a school teacher. They would make me laugh. They were so funny. Every time I think about them I have to smile!

Grandmas and grandchildren have a special bond. God made grandparents to minister to their grandchildren in ways that parents just can't. My kids have the blessing of having both grandmas right here in town with us. Each grandma brings their experiences to the family therefore enriching the lives of the whole family. My mother-in-law is Irish Catholic and attends church regularly. The other day she was going to light candles and the girls wanted to go along. I said sure. It is part of who they are and I think it is important for them to know that. The girls are always asking for stories about their daddy when he was a kid. They love to hear about their uncles and aunt too. My mom loves things that are beautiful. So, when the girls stay with her they get to go Native Nurseries to look at pretty flowers and sometimes they will buy some to plant at her house. She lets them help decorate and clean and cook and bake :) When she is at our house sometimes she will take them into the "story room" and tell them stories of beautiful places. They love it! To me that is what Grandmas are made for. Not for the gifts they bring or the places they can take them but for the stories they have in their hearts that they are willing to share with their grandchildren . . . .

1 comment:

Katie said...

What a lovely post this is. You said it just right.