Wednesday, October 22, 2008

No Nap Nightmare

Around the age of three I think both of my girls started to give up their naps. I am sure we would miss one occasionally and they would take a quick nap in the car if we were going somewhere. When we were home, if they didn't nap they would play quietly in their room for an hour or so. Well, yesterday Boop decided for reasons unknown not to take a nap. I think, after further discussion with him, it was because he knew I was going to the doc during his nap time. Anyway, he is not one that can miss his nap! We have on occasion missed it because of things we had to do and of course usually regretted it right about 5PM. Yesterday was no exception. For those of you who know my boy he is sweet as molasses and pretty obedient. He is not generally sassy although he is developing his own thoughts and feelings at this age. But all and all a delight to have around. When he doesn't get his nap he is the exact opposite of all of those things. He cries, yells, is very physical and almost impossible to settle down. By 5:30 yesterday I was seriously thinking of putting him to bed for the night. He knew he was tired. I don't think he wanted to behave so poorly he just didn't know what else to do. He spent a lot of time in his room until we finally ate around 7. I don't remember the girls ever behaving that way. I am sure, as with everything in parenthood, I have forgotten any truly horrible behavior. But I got to tell you, his behavior last night will be etched in my memory for a good long while. By hook or by crook, he will get his nap today. . .


Katie said...

Occasionally Leah will refuse a nap (like once a week). I am NOT ready for that.

Anonymous said...

Skylar missed his nap yesterday, too. (Actually, he usually takes 2/day, so he only missed one). It was my fault. I got home from work (early) just as he was going down (late). He went to be an hour early. Too cranky ;-)