Monday, November 3, 2008

Last Week's Homeschooling Schedule

Monday: Civics and Government - visit friends and old co-workers at the U.S. Attorney's Office
Tuesday: Health and Hygiene - dental appoints for all three kids
Wednesday: Biology - pre-registered at the Women's Pavilion at the hospital
Thursday: Home Economics - cleaned and cooked for the Halloween Party
Friday: Socialization - lunch with friends

One of the harder things about homeschooling is trying to get all your errands and responsibilities done throughout the week. Most weeks there just isn't enough time to finish my chores and responsibilities. So last week we decided in an effort to get somethings out of the way school would be life field trips. As we were joking about this at the Halloween Party Friday some one said "Well, just as long as their learning." But, if you think about it as a child (even as an adult) aren't we always learning . . .


Katie said...

You are so funny.
We have Health/Hygiene this week too. How did Boop do, was it his first one? This will be Leah's first time. She went with me once for a cleaning a few months ago and wreaked havoc on the place. I'm worried.

Ann said...

I think this is Boop's third time. He freaked the first time but I was there and just rubbed his head and talked with him. The doc didn't keep him too long. Thank goodness! Wish you luck!!