Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Boop!!!

Gosh where to begin. I am sure I have posted his labor and delivery story before but I am going to do it again. Just because I love to relive that moment in my life! Daddy just knew when I got pregnant again, it was going to be a girl. He never wavered, he just knew. I still, very vividly, remember daddy's face when, at the ultrasound, they told us it was a boy. He was one proud papa! Anyway, we loved picking out a name (having been through the girls' list a time or two - ha, ha!) Boop is named after my uncle where daddy goes hunting every year.

Boop's original due date was in October. For some strange reason, I didn't want an October birth date. I think it had something to do with the birthstone, who knows, I was hormonal. As we got closer to the end of the month I was beginning to think October baby it would be. It was a Wednesday and I had gone for my weekly check up. And the midwife and I had talked about things to get labor started. And one of them was stripping the membranes. And the next thing I knew, it was done and I don't think I ever really knew what was going on. Anyway, that afternoon the girls had ballet and I had to pick up shirts from a friend that said "big sister" and "baby boy". Daddy had worked that day and my mom and sister were coming over for dinner. It was suppose to have made spaghetti but I wasn't feeling well so we ordered a pizza instead.

After dinner I still wasn't feeling well and I was beginning to wonder if I was going into labor. With the girls I had to be induced so I really didn't know what going into labor felt like. So, considering my my mom and sister were already at the house and I was having pain, we decided to go up to the hospital just to get it checked out. Daddy was tired because he had been at work since 5AM. It was the season premier of Lost (but the cable had gone out!) and it was already bath and bed time. But off to the hospital we went. And ended up staying.

I was checked-in and put in a triage room. They didn't have a TV in my triage room so daddy went out to the waiting room to watch Lost and would come visit me during commercials to tell me what was going on. I was not laboring very hard and I was not progressing very fast so I would go for walks around the halls. When I came back daddy was asleep in my triage bed!

At about 1AM I was tired and was kind of stuck in a rut. I decided I would get an epidural. (I really had wanted a natural birth - no meds.) I knew if my body relaxed I would probably progress a little quicker plus I really did just want to rest. Daddy and my mom were there and we just waited. Finally around 6:30ish the next morning I was checked again and it was finally time to push. I learned one very important lesson that day. My epidural needs to be backed off at the time of delivery. For some reason it is very hard for me to push and for the baby to progress with it and when it was backed off during the delivery it went much faster. I remember there being some concern about his heart rate. But he was happy and healthy when he was born. I can't put into words what I felt that morning. Exhausted but blessed.

He is all boy. He is so different from the girls in so many ways -good and bad ;) He drives them crazy but they love him so. He is sassy and sweet. He gets angry and frustrated but doesn't have a mean bone in his body. He loves to see how things work and being daddy's helper. He has a look that melts my heart. I have no doubt he will help daddy in protecting his "girlies."

Thank you God for my baby boy . . .

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