Saturday, April 17, 2010

Going Green and Granola

A friend of mine just did a post on how they are becoming "granola." I liked the term, I thought it was cute. But it also made me think about some of the things we have changed in the last couple of years.

Also, Food, Inc is going to be on T.V. sometime soon and in the past couple of weeks three people have recommended we see the movie. I sort of have a curiosity about it and even went so far as to ask hubby if he had any desire to see it. Thankfully he said no.

Now, it isn't that I am not interested in what the moving has to say. I am. But, I am one of those that reads something or hears something and buys into it hook, line and sinker. And then feels it can't been any other way (You know, that black and white, type A personality.) I am not a big eater as it is and I am scared to death that it will gross me out on the few things I do enjoy!

There are a few things we have been doing to "go green and granola" such as milling our own wheat for bread, cookies, and other baked goods. And trying to eat foods that are less processed. Using natural sweeteners and salt. We tried real peanut butter. I liked it but everyone else hated it. We tried to buy a side of beef but that fell through (not to mention we really didn't have the freezer space) and we are going to get farm fresh eggs from a lady hubby knows. We have had a garden for a couple years which has been somewhat successful.

We have been recycling for awhile, practice water conservation and compost as best we can. We take our green bags to the grocery store (when we remember.) We do those things mostly because God has given us this big, beautiful world full of wonderful things and we feel it is our obligation, responsibility to take care of it the best we can. And hopefully pass some of our ideals on to our children.

We aren't radical. And I think we have found a pretty doable way of life. Could there be some improvement, sure. Are we missing some main components, I suppose. But, for now, we are doing what we can to eat healthy and take care of our world. Another work in progress . . .


Diane Moody said...

Soooooooo jealous of your garden! We have no flat land plus the deer eat everything. But I'm thinking of at least doing some tomato plants in containers on the deck. Please do more posts on your garden and what you harvest from it, okay? I can live vicariously through you!

Ann said...

I need to be more involved in the garden. Right now it has been daddy's deal. I will keep you posted ;)