Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Years Resolutions?

I am not big on resolutions and haven't been for awhile. First of all, everyday not just in 2011, I want to wake up and be the best follower of Christ I can be (with God's help, of course.) Second, how many people really spend the whole year living up to their resolutions. I know I never did!

Anyway, I was reading a good friend's blog post the other day and she mentioned that this year she wanted to take a little bit better care of herself. As with many young mothers, or should I say, in my case, mothers of young children, there is never enough "me time." Or time dedicated to take care of yourself. (Thankfully I have never been one to need much "me time" anyway!)

But, as I get older and my family matures, I do feel there is a need to take a little extra time to focus on health and nutrition and sleep. For the most part I am healthy. I eat pretty well, I am not overweight and, for the most part, get good sleep. Well, depending on EG's mood.

But, there are a couple things that I do want to make an effort to improve upon. Mostly because I am not getting any younger. And it can't hurt. The first thing is eat breakfast. I don't usually eat breakfast. Until lunch time. And, I always hear how important breakfast is. So, I want to eat breakfast. Preferable something rich in protein. I do think I need to eat more protein.

The next thing is to get some type of exercise. Oh, I don't want to go to a gym or run a marathon. Heck, I don't even want to run three miles. But, I do want to get some type of regular physical activity going. Yesterday I took the kids for a walk. And, if I can do that four times a week, I will be happy.

Lastly, I want to read more. I don't do near enough reading for myself. I would like to work it into my schedule. Maybe 15 minutes in the afternoon. And, maybe go to bed a half hour earlier, just for the purpose of reading. I want to read fun books, helpful books, all kinds of different books. And I can't if I don't purposefully make the time.

They aren't resolutions, per se. Just a couple of things that I do feel I need to do better on. To make getting older a little less "painful." It is day two and I haven't done any of the aforementioned activities, but I have tomorrow. And the next day and the next day. To work on my little self improvement project . . .

1 comment:

Katie said...

I'm thinking that little changes can make a big difference (at least I'm hoping so).

I want to add Read More to my list too.... I used to read so much more, I think it makes me happier and more relaxed.

Good luck with your "self improvements".... I'll be cheering you on!