Thursday, July 9, 2009


I love books. In case you didn't already know that. We just finished reading Heidi on Tuesday night. We have seen the movie about a million times and it is good. All of the kids enjoy it but the book was so much better. I try hard to read books before we see the movies. I think it is important to visualize characters, places, events in your mind's eye. Instead of some director's idea of what something or someone looks like. Haven't you ever gone to a movie after reading a book and thinking "That isn't how I picture him, her or the place?" I know I have.

Anyway, Heidi the book was so much more detailed about the Alm. The book created such word pictures that a movie could never recreate. And the characters were so much deeper. Heidi is very spiritual in the book. And towards the end she learns so much about God's character. It was very inspiring to me! (And hopefully the kids.) And Peter learns a great lesson in the book as well. One that I have already used as a life lesson at home. I am not going into detail because I would encourage everyone to read Heidi if you haven't already.

One of the many things I love about our little homeschool curriculum is it suggests books that I have never read before. Lucky me . . .!

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