Friday, July 10, 2009

My Day

This is a whiny post. So, you have two choices you can exit out right now or you can continue to read. One of the reasons I started a blog was so that I could vent when I needed to vent. Nobody listens to me anyway so I might as well do it here!! :) So, it all started last night at bath time. We had about 6 butt wipes left in the whole house including my diaper bag. Mickey was more than willing to run to the store for me but I figured we could hold out until morning. I needed to make a Walmart run anyway.

So, EG had a restless nights sleep. She coughed and rolled around all night. Finally at about 4 o'clock I head for the couch. She is so noisy she is keeping me awake. (She never did wake up though.) Finally she wakes up about 7:30AM kind of crying. Not like her at all. As I have mentioned she has had pink eye and is teething but really has not been grumpy. So, I figure something is not right. Something else is wrong. I hate to call the doc. But, it is Friday and it is daddy's weekend to work so I call the doc in an abundance of caution. Of course the doc is all booked up for the day so I have to see the PA. Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against the PA but for the real little ones I just like to see a doc. So, I get everyone together because our appointment is at 10:30 and I still don't have any butt wipes. We NEED to go to Walmart first.

We get what we need at Walmart and are off to the doc with a few minutes to spare. As we pull into the parking and get out, Little Mama says "There is smoke coming out of the van." Sure enough - smoke! And when I look down there is a greenish fluid running out from underneath. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? I maintain my composure, try to call daddy three times, gather all the kids up and go into the appointment. While waiting to be seen I call my MIL (bless her) and she is going to head our way. In the meantime daddy calls back and he starts to head our way.

We get called back to the patient room and when the PA comes it is all of us including hubby and MIL in the room. Woo hoo!! EG and I stay in the room and everyone else leaves to get the car taken care of and to wait in the waiting room. Poor EG has an ear infection but not in the ear I thought - go figure. So, I load the kids up in my MIL's car with no room to spare and leave her to wait for AAA (bless her.) AAA shows about 5 minutes after they said they would and my SIL picks up my MIL to bring her to the house to get her car.

It wasn't even noon yet . . . ugh . . .


Katie said...

If it's not one thing, it's ten things!
I always feel so vulnerable when something goes wrong with the car and I have all the children with me.

Ann said...

I don't think I ever broke down with the kids before (well, maybe once) and since having number four it has happened three times!!! And I have had all the kids with me everytime. It is such an aweful feeling because it is sooo hard arranging to get everyone home. Katie had to ride in the front seat and I was a wreck.