Thursday, March 19, 2009

Biker Babe

A very exciting day yesterday!! Little Mama learned to rider her bike without training wheels! It was such a beautiful day yesterday that while the littles were napping we played outside. Little Mama decided that yesterday was the day. She had been asking daddy for awhile now to help her. We have had so much going on that there just didn't seem to be enough time. (Pitiful I know.) It is funny how with a little willingness you can carve out some unexpected family time. Usually when daddy is outside with the kids, I will stay inside for a little peace and quiet. But then Little Mama called me out to show me her latest accomplishment and I just had to stay outside. Daddy was going to run errands but I convinced him to hang with us for just a little while. We watched Little Mama go round and round in the cul de sac. Nature Girl got out her ball cap, glove and ball and we played a little catch. The wind was blowing and there were just a couple of clouds in the sky. It made me wish we didn't have anywhere to go. Congratulations Little Mama on a really cool accomplishment. We are proud of you . . .

1 comment:

Katie said...

A sure sign of spring, in our neck of the woods, is the children getting out their helmets and getting on their bikes and scooters. It is wonderful to be able to spend some time just watching them, being with them, cheering them on.