Thursday, March 26, 2009

Over the River and Through the Woods . . .

to Grandmother's house we go. The horses know the way to carry the sleigh etc. etc. etc. We leave in the morning to go to Grandma's house in case you didn't figure it out. Our first trip with four kids. We will be gone for the weekend and will be back late Sunday afternoon. Grandma now lives close to the beach and fishing and has a pool! The kids will have a blast. I don't know who is more excited, the kids or Grandma!! I am surprisingly relaxed considering I will spend the majority of my day tomorrow in a mini van filled to the gills with kids and clothes and baby paraphernalia. I guess I am figuring out no matter how much planning I do, it is what it is. So, I will be "back" Monday morning (unless daddy brings his laptop) with many pictures and a few tales of our time with family and friends. Until then . . .

1 comment:

Diane Moody said...

Oh my gosh, the pictures and commentary of Boop's evening with Sissy to his first FSU baseball game were just toooo cute! What a MEMORY they both made!!

And I'm so excited you're all going to visit the Queen in her new castle! Please give her my love (I've lost her phone #??) and have a BLAST!