Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day

No, we didn't have one. But it seems like we are the only state surrounding us that didn't! My kids are dying to see snow. It is unbelievable to me that they have never seen snow. I grew up in the north and snow was a given. I have a friend who lives in the north and she has posted on a number of occasions about the snow. Yesterday I received an email with pictures from a friend who lives in Alabama. The pictures were of her kids making snowmen!! FSU's baseball game got snowed out. (They were playing in Alabama) New York City has had its first snow day in 5 years. Our neighbor told my kids that this weekend we might see snow. Actually we heard it from two people. So, Saturday night when the girls woke up in the middle of the night they would peek outside to see if they could see some. No such luck. It never got cold enough. Today, which is cold enough there is no precipitation in the forecast. Such is life! I have made a promise to them. Probably not this coming up winter but maybe the following winter, we will travel up north in the middle of snow season. Just so they can play in the snow (and visit family and friends of course :) What the heck, I think I would even like to see some . . .

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