Thursday, July 22, 2010


I like to do math first thing in the morning. For a couple of reasons. First, everyone is bright eyed and bushy tailed. Their brain is still fully functioning. And, if the day happens to go off track, at least we got it done. It is one of the subjects I to try to keep up with. But, for the record both girls are behind at the moment.

We use Horizons. It was recommend by the first curriculum in a box I ever used. And I have just stuck with it. I like the style of teaching they use. Each workbook page builds on several concepts from the days and week before. There might be a new concept once or twice a week. So, any given worksheet, has four or five different types of problems which I believe keeps the kids a little more interested. As an added bonus, the pages are really colorful.

I have purchased the teachers manual for every grade this far. Which is kind of funny. Surely I can do 1st Grade math. And I can. But, I have had to go to the manual once or twice for 3rd grade. Just to make sure I am understanding the way they want a concept to be taught. I also have used the 3rd grade manual to help me correct worksheets. NG is getting to math problems that I can't just do in my head.

One question that a lot of people ask when you homeschool is "What about math?" I honestly don't know about higher math. I do know that my particular homeschool group offers all kinds of classes in science and math. I also know, that as older teenagers, homeschool kids can be dual enrolled at the local community college. So, I will cross that bridge when I get to it. Right now, we are just going to finish 1st and 3rd grade math. I am learning so much a long the way. Maybe we will just do higher math right here in our little ol' homeschool . . .

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