Thursday, July 15, 2010

Meals on Wheels

We have officially adopted a weekly route. On Wednesdays. My original intention was to only do one twice a month, but after talking with the coordinator, she gave me the impression it is a whole lot easier to have one person assigned to a route once a week. Which, from a coordinating stand point makes sense. Although, I wasn't really sure we were ready for that commitment.

I asked her if we could try it out for a week or so before we made a decision. And she totally understood. So, we made it one week. Then the following week we had VBS and then the following week we had that really horrible stomach bug. But they were very accommodating and understood that life can be unexpected. (To say the least.) So, we have managed to make it two weeks in a row, now. And I think we really love it!

It only takes us about an hour (including the weekly frozen meals we drop off near the house.) The clients are super. We are learning which ones like to chat and which ones just really want their meals. Although every single person is really, really appreciative.

It has been a great opportunity for the kids to learn to listen and smile and answer in such a way so as others can hear and understand them. LM confessed yesterday that it is hard to hear and understand some of the people. I had to agree. I have a bad habit, sometimes, of not concentrating on what other people are saying. So, I told her it was a good lesson (for both of us) to really concentrate on some one's mouth and face while they are speaking to us. It helps to listen and understand what they are saying.

We will see what the school year brings. If it gets a little much for us, we have a friend who is interested in helping us out occasionally or possibly every other week. But, I think we are going to try real hard to make it work. . .


Diane Moody said...

You guys are such an inspiration!!!

Ann said...

Just trying to walk the walk . . .pass on the blessings ya know! But thank you ;)

Katie said...

So cool y'all do that. I bet a lot of the people look forward to seeing your children as much as they do the food!

Ann said...

They love the kids! I would like to work into having the kids make cards and maybe do some baking. We shall see . . .