Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Doc Appointment

In the beginning of my pregnancies I never make it to my next scheduled appointment. Some new ache would pop up or some other funky thing would start happening that I didn't recall happening with the pregnancy before. So I would make a phone call to the doc and of course they wouldn't tell me anything on the phone so in I would go for an appointment. For the first and second pregnancies that really wasn't a problem. I was working full time with my first and part-time with the second so I always had childcare. But with the third pregnancy and now with this one it isn't as easy. I have to weigh the need of going to the doc with the possibility of bringing all the kids with me. Sometimes childcare at the last minute just isn't available.

This month I have made it to my 29/30 week appointment. I can't believe I am that far along. It truly seems like yesterday that I had to tell hubby we were pregnant again! What an afternoon that was. We were not trying to get pregnant (although I wanted to be.) Actually trying carefully not to get pregnant (won't go into details :) Anyway, my sister brought me the pregnancy test in the afternoon. Hubby was resting along with the kids. When the little plus sign showed up I asked my sister if she wanted to stay while I told hubby and she decided to leave it all up to me :) Chicken!!!! Anyway, after I told him and the initial shock wore off I had to tell him that the due date was 5 days before his annual hunting trip. He very lovingly informed me he was still going on his trip. I know my husband so well and I had already made up my mind that I would encourage him go anyway. He works sooooo hard and has been sooooo easy going about all of the crazy ideas that I come up with. I don't think when we got married 11 years ago that he ever would have thought we would have 4 kids and I would be a stay-at-home homeschooling mom. But yet he has always listened and agreed and backed me up. It is the least I can do for the man who solely supports his family in soooo many ways.

O.K. enough of singing his praises!! Today is the appointment. For some weird reason I always look forward to it. I don't know why. The actual time I see the midwife lasts about 7 minutes and there isn't anything new she can tell me. She usually comments on my weight gain which surprises me. I have gained about 30 pounds so far which is normal for me. I start off underweight and I am not a very big person. I have always lost it. It makes it hard for me to walk etc because I am not use to carrying all the excess weight around but I am still healthy. My urine is fine, blood pressure fine, etc. It really is anti climatic. I do get to hear the heartbeat and that always makes me teary eyed. I like the reassurance that I am progressing as I should. I guess the real reason I like going is that for about 7 minutes it is all about me . . . .

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