Monday, September 8, 2008

Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You,

Happy Birthday dear Katie, Happy Birthday to You! One of my greatest friends is turning 40 today. (Welcome to the club Katie!) We have been friends since high school over 20 years ago! We live at least 1200 miles apart but our friendship has blossomed over the distance. We mostly communicate by email, blog posts and now Facebook. I think in the last 20 years we have gotten together about a handful of times. Once she has even come down here (remember that). I think it is your turn to visit Katie - hee, hee. Speaking of remembering do you remember the night we did a Chinese fire drill on Webster Street. I think some one's purse fell out of the car and we had to go back. Then there was Senior Prom (I think ;) I remember visiting your dad's lake house. Or how about Mr. Sands' accounting class. I hardly ever use a calculator with out thinking of us in that class!! I think I even remember in that class writing names of children on a piece of paper - anything was better than listening to him and if I remember correctly my grade reflected it. LOL. Anyway, my how things have changed. Katie is a wonderful mother of 4 beautiful children. She is an inspiration in my life and helps me stay on course. God gives us friends sometimes for a season and sometimes for the long haul. I am thankful that God has given her to me for the long haul! I love her honesty and encouragement! I pray we continue our friendship for the next 20 years!!

Happy 40th Birthday Katie!!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Dear Ann,
What a lovely, lovely surprise. It makes my day anyway, to read your blog, but this is so awesome! Thank you, thank you.
Yes! I remember all that, was just telling someone about our Accounting class (" in D") and how it was providence that we essentially met and became wonderful friends for our senior year and you then immediately moved far, far away, but we still stayed in touch over the many years. I'm proud, happy and oh so blessed to name you as one of my best friends.