Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas Parade

Every year our city puts on a holiday celebration called "Light Up Tallahassee." There is the Jingle Bell Run, they turn on all the lights in the downtown parks, and there is a parade with Santa at the end. Hubby and I have been going to it since before we were married. We actually have worked it for a couple of years because we worked at a downtown hotel and they always sold food and drinks. (We met at that hotel :) There was one year (before kids) that we rented a room in the hotel for the day and night with my mom, stepdad and sissy and we were able to go up and go to the bathroom or watch football or just relax. Then we would go back down and walk around all the entertainment and food and crafts. That was one of the best memories! I have a very good friend who works in an office building downtown. His office over looks the main street of the parade. I think the year after Nature Girl was born he invited my family up to watch the parade with his family from his office. Of course, this has now become a tradition!! When we started doing this I had one child and he had three. Now he has five and I have four so our little party has grown considerably. All of the kids have a blast watching the parade go by from up high. We have cookies and drinks and lots of laughter. Our little get together has expanded to include my mom, sissy and sometimes my mother-in-law. We have had some good times up in that office that over looks the parade. We are looking forward to it again tonight . . .

1 comment:

Diane Moody said...

When I come back in my next life, I wanna be YOU. :D You guys just have WAY too much fun and get to do so many fascinating things! Course, I'll have to have massive injections of energy to keep up....How DO you do it all?!?