Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Never Too Young

As a Christmas gift many moons ago, my mom gave me the calendar "Power of a Praying Parent." And on each day there is a scripture verse or encouraging words that are to help in Godly parenting. The first year I think it sat in my desk in my room. The second year it managed to make it on top of my desk. I think I read daily up until about July. This year I started reading it to EG when I put her down for her morning nap.

The last few days she has been smiling and laughing when I read the scripture verses or words of wisdom. I am starting to think she knows they are the words of God. And that maybe He is speaking to her little heart. Who knows? But it is a very pleasant thought. I don't suppose you can ever be too young to be encouraged by the words of God. . .