Thursday, August 6, 2009

Unsuccessful on Day One

I was kind of hoping to post today how I successfully managed to get exercise and quiet time to start my day. But the only thing I was successful at was turning off my alarm. And I did it rather proficiently at that! I want to exercise and I want a little bit of quiet time to read my Bible. The exercise part is just because I want to be healthy (and because the few extra pounds that are still with me have settled in my thighs and behind which make it impossible to get into any of my pants.) I also think the endorphin release would be good for me. Especially with the upcoming school year. Plus, it is the only way I am going to get to listen to my IPod :)

Also, I want to start encouraging my children to have a personal, quiet time of their own and I can't do that if I don't do it. If it is one thing I have learned being a parent, you can only encourage your children to do so much. If they don't see it in action all that you tell them are just words. (Probably another post some time soon :)

Anyway, this is my plan. The only time I can exercise regularly is going to have to be before daddy goes to work. He leaves the house at 5:30. SO, my plan is to get up a little before 5 and walk around the block a couple of times for about a half hour. Get home about 5:30, take a shower, have quiet time to read and other personal chores that I struggle to take care of during the day. Then wake whatever child I am working on quiet time with, read my Bible while they read theirs. By this time it should be about 7:30-8 and I will be ready to start the whole day. If I Check Spellingcan get a jump on the day, be showered and dressed and have been encouraged by the Holy Spirit and God's Word I think I will be well equipped to handle whatever the day may bring.

So, today I was going to get up at 6 because hubby didn't have to leave until 8. Of course the alarm went off. Hubby was still asleep, the house was quiet and I turned off my alarm and went back to sleep. My sister is my cheerleader and she gets up every morning at 4:45 to go to the gym. I figure the more people who know about my plan, the more motivated I will be tomorrow. But, I know the only person who is going to motivate me at 4:55 AM is me. Chances of success are slim. But, I can ponder. In my mind I have such great plans . . .


Diane Moody said...

Hey, just take it one day at a time. And remember, each new day is a fresh clean slate. What helps me the most? The image in my head of Jesus waiting for me to join Him on the back porch (or on the sofa when it's too hot/cold out there). I join him there with a cup of coffee, ready to start the day together. So when my alarm goes off, I have that vision of Him waiting for me.....which sure helps me get outta bed!

I LOVE that it's your desire that your children learn this life-changing habit by seeing it in you!!!

And hey, do I have the book for you! CONFESSIONS OF A PRAYER SLACKER - coming to a bookstore near you August 2010! :D

Ann said...

Is that your book??????? So exciting!!!!!! Thanks for the encouragement. You are my new cheerleader - hee, hee!!

Katie said...

I have a 'someday' plan which is similar to yours. It involves getting up around 5am to have some alone time, because I have NO alone time now. Exercise would be good.
But I'm not even going to do it until I feel like I'm getting enough sleep at night.

Ann said...

Katie - I wouldn't even think about such a thing until I was getting decent nighttime sleep! All in due time . . .