We had plans to be on the road by 9. I think it is important to have a plan! The kids and I had almost everything ready the night before (daddy had to work late.) So, the first unexpected thing that happened Friday morning was Little Mama lost her third tooth. We were all so excited for her. It had been really loose the night before and she and Nature Girl were trying to get it out. They kept wanting to show me their progress! It was hanging by a thread. After breakfast the next morning it just fell out! Everyone was sooo excited! So daddy found her a little bag and she put her tooth in to bring to Grandma's. I assured her that the toothfairy would find her there :)
We actually made it out the door by 9:45AM. That, to me, was awesome! Our usual travel plan now is to hit a Mickey D's on the way out of town and we all eat breakfast in the car. So we were actually on the road by 10:30. Our drive was uneventful for the very first time. No rain. No broken windshield wipers. No hundred stops to go to the bathroom. (I think the kids are getting use to traveling.) We also have found a shortcut that shaves like 1/2 hour to 45 minutes off of our time. So that is cool!
When we arrived at Grandma's the kids immediately got in their suits and went swimming. Of course they were very excited to see Grandma! Our trips down there consist of swimming, swimming, and more swimming. Whether it be in her pool or at the beach. The weather called for some rain so we brought board games this time. But the beauty of it is, if it isn't thundering and lightening the kids can still swim! Grandma made a great chicken dish Friday night that all the kids loved. After dinner we all got in the hot tub. Even EG.
Saturday the kids swam and we all just hung out. We were going to go to the beach in the afternoon but the weather turned rainy. That was OK. The kids just continued to swim at the house! I seriously was concerned they would turn into fish. It really is amazing to me how well the kids are swimming now! Little Mama is the most improved. Daddy thinks she is a natural. I have to agree. They were diving, jumping in, racing. It was great because I could sit inside the big glassed in sunroom and play on the computer or read while watching the kids outside in the pool. After dinner we had plans to go to the beach and watch the sunset and eat ice cream. Unfortunately the sun set a whole lot sooner than we thought it would. But we were able to get ice cream and walk on the boardwalk along the intercoastal. The kids loved watching the lights on the boats and bridge. It was kind of windy so the kids had to eat their ice cream real fast because it was melting all over them. They had ice cream everywhere!
Sunday we had brunch and swam some more at Grandma's and then loaded up and finally made it to the beach. It was over cast and windy because of the tropical storm. But that was OK by me. I didn't have to worry about sunscreen. Grandma brought a blanket and daddy brought a bucket for shells. The waves were incredible. There were even people trying to surf. The kids were a little disappointed because they wanted to play in the water. We let them go in up to their knees but the waves were so strong that even then they were knocked over (especially Boop.) They picked up tons of shells. So did daddy. They built sand castles and watched the surfers. Grandma took them for a walk down the beach. EG loved all the new scenery. Grandma put her feet in teh water but she didn't like that much. We stayed for a couple hours. Enough time to get sand pretty much everywhere!
When we got home the kids went to Aunt T's house to make brownies and play with her new puppy. (My mom's good friend who lives right across the street.) Then back to the house for more swimming and daddy's speciality (hamburgers on the grill.) After dinner more swimming and tons of wonderful desserts.
We are starting to travel better so I think it was relaxing for everyone. We packed up yesterday morning and were on the road by 10. Another blessing to have the trip back uneventful as well. Now to plan when we will see Grandma again . . .
Great pictures! Looks like you all had a fun and relaxing time. Glad the travel part went well.
Late, late in catching up, but loved all the pictures and tales of the visit to G'ma's! Sounds like you had a blast!
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