Thursday, August 20, 2009

So Expressive

When we were at the doctor's office the other day, he made a comment on how expressive EG is. Daddy and Grandma have made the same comment just recently. She really has great facial expressions. She goes from "crying" to laughing within seconds. She crinkles up her nose and snorts like a pig. Her eye brows raise up and down depending on what she is doing. When she belly laughs her eyes squint shut just like daddy. Her moods and emotions are just so visibly apparent. When she is upset with me her face turns mad and she yells at me! You can read her like a book. Right now, though, she goes from extreme to the other so it is hard to keep up.

A game we play while she is nursing is I try to catch her foot. When she is about done she will start shaking her foot around. I then try to grab it and she is quick. When I do grab it she looks up at me and grins. We do this a couple times. I did notice this morning, she won't play until she is about done. I grabbed her foot in the middle of her feeding and she paid me no attention!

A couple of days ago she started really crawling. Actually able to get somewhere. She thinks it is great. She ventures over to the hardwood floor and looks back at me. I let her go. She checks back to make sure it is OK. Yesterday was the first time I let her venture so far. She tapped the hard woodfloor and kind of rubbed it. Then looked up and smiled. She went over to the table and grabbed the leg. Then over to the stool and started to gnaw on the rung. Eventually she made her way back to the carpeted floor. It was funny, because all the kids were worried about her being on the hard floor.

Yesterday, in the playpen, she started to pull herself up. Daddy came in and said "hey, she is way to young to be doing that." I agree. Honestly, I don't really remember the ages of the other kids doing it. (I wish I would have had a blog the past 8 years!) But I am certain she is growing up way too fast . . .

1 comment:

Katie said...

She is adorable! Love the middle picture.