Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Nine Month Check Up

Crazy. I know. How can it be nine months? I am pretty sure I just gave birth last week. I thought time flew before!!! Now it goes so fast I truly can not keep up. Anyway, EG had her nine month check up yesterday. I was excited. She weighed 16lbs 9oz. The doctor pronounced her as very healthy and looking good. I let him know that my only concern was her weight and he said I had nothing to worry about. She is in the 25% for weight and 75% for height. Tall and thin. Nothing wrong with that he said :) She comes by it honestly. All the kids were that way.

As he was examining her all the kids had to be around the table. I struggled between the notion of having them all sit quietly (yeah right after waiting 45 minutes) or being able to partake in the exam. The doctor is usually pretty good about explaining what he is doing and letting the kids look in each others ears etc. Yesterday I guess because we had been on vacation and had waited kind of long everyone was in rare form. The doctor asked if it was always like this. I said "Sure, to some degree." Then I immediately said, "We don't know any other way." Then the doctor asked "And you still homeschool?" And I see a sort of questioning amused look. So I say yes. And he asks about tests and measuring how much they are learning. Then I explain in a nutshell how we don't do tests and that all that I have read says kids learn better when they learn on their own. They want to learn and learn about stuff they care about or is put in story form as oppose to facts in a textbook. I believe kids can learn things for tests but then forget it when they don't need it anymore. He nods his head OK. Now I feel like I need to give more information and go on to say how we read tons of great old literature along with math and copywork etc. He agrees that reading is so important that is why they have a book program at their office.

I am sure it is just me, but I hate feeling like I have to defend my position to homeschool. To be honest, if my kids went to school most of the time they wouldn't be at the doctor's appointments to begin with. Four small kids waiting for an hour for the doctor. I think my kids do great. They are learning patience along with a host of other things just by being there. They are polite and curious. I can live with that.

All and all, a great visit. I am so glad EG is happy and healthy and growing just right . . .


Katie said...

Big girl! Nine months.

I understand about feeling you have to defend your position. I don't think you have to, but I think it's a normal feeling.

Ann said...

I hope you are right by not having to defend my choice but you would be surprised what some people say :)