Monday, August 24, 2009

School Days, School Days

something, something golden rules days. I really can't remember how the ditty goes and not sure I even knew it to begin with. So, all that to say school started today. It was some what anti climatic because we have been doing school on and off all summer. In fact, I usually take a picture to put in each kids portfolio and I just haven't gotten around to it yet today. Nature Girl hasn't even gone school shopping yet. But, I knew if I didn't start today I would drag it out another week and I really can't do that!

I have to admit the day started pretty good. I was up by 6:15 and showered and reading Created to be His Help Meet (for the third time) by 6:45. I woke Nature Girl at 7:15. I enticed her with "coffee." And she and I spent about 15 minutes having quiet time together drinking our "coffee." I woke the other kids about 7:45. EG was up at 8:00. Breakfast was done and school started by 8:45. Most of the chores done and no TV.

Yesterday my prayer request during Sunday School was for a smooth starting of the school year for me. And I have been thinking about it ever since. I want to rephrase that. I want to make it a praise report. That I have opened my heart to the calling of God to be willing to teach my children at home. Because when all is said and done, it truly is a blessing . . .

1 comment:

Katie said...

Sounds like a pretty good start!