Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Rock and Roll

Last night during bath time I spent most of the time chasing EG! She is mobile in the most unusual way. She rolls every where. I know for babies it isn't that unusual but I don't think I have had one that has done that before. She points her head in a direction and then rolls, rolls, rolls. One second she is in the middle of the room and the next she is perilously close to the entertainment center. I laid her down in the middle of the hall outside the bathroom where Boop was taking a bath. A minute later she had rolled all the way into his room!! I think it is time for the playpen. I also noticed that she is now capable of moving her toys from one hand to the other. Last night I was watching her do it. I swear she had this proud look of accomplishment on her face. Like she knew she had just completed one of her baby milestones. She is lucky she is being so cute during the day because her nighttime sleeping habits leave much to be desired ;) . . .


Katie said...

Haha! I had a roller too -- Thomas. EG is darling, sounds like you're in for a busy summer.

And here's hoping the two of you get more sleep soon :(

Diane Moody said...

She is such a hoot! No one's gonna keep HER still, Mom! Gosh, she is SOOOOO stinkin' CUTE!! And how about those swimmers?! GREAT pictures, Annie. Such precious memories! I laughed out loud picturing Boop wrapped around your leg! :D

Looking forward to my trip to YaYa land this weekend!