Friday, January 23, 2009

Babies in Bassinets

As I lay awake last night numerous times, I was wondering what I was going to write about today. Then it hit me, like it usually does. EG and I are in a rough spot. She goes to bed about 9:30 but is waking up at least twice every night. Our nocturnal routine goes something like this: get EG out of bassinet, nurse on one side, swaddle nurse on other side, check arm to see if it is limp like a noodle, place back in bassinet. Then for the next 20 minutes or so I watch the bassinet. The bassinet sides are pretty high so I don't see her inside. But, there are two things I am watching for (and have happened with all of my kids). If she is not willing to go back to sleep I will see an arm pop straight up. I was thinking how funny it would be to have a picture of just the arm sticking straight up out of the bassinet - that is all you see. But I was unwilling to get up, go in the kitchen and look for the camera so you will just have to imagine it in your minds eye :) Then the next thing that happens is the bassinet starts to rock back and forth rhythmically. It is not the little shimmer that happens when EG is settling in for sleep. It is an almost violent swaying! Then comes the squeal, cry or some other noise that lets me know "Come get me." Last night this happened not once but twice. By 5:30 I had given up and just put her in bed with me. She didn't wake until 8:11. I pray for a less eventful night tonight . . .

1 comment:

Katie said...

and just when you think they've settled into a routine.... something changes. argh. frustrating.
But don't ask me for advice. My baby still wakes up once or twice a night (and he's TEN months old).