Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Mikey and Strawberry

Have you ever tried to take a picture of a hummingbird?? Well, we tried this morning. This is the best picture of the bunch. The hummingbird is to the right of the feeder. What wonderful creatures they are. As part of our schooling experience we have put a hummingbird feeder right outside the window of where our dining room table is. So, whenever we sit down to eat a meal we are blessed with a hummingbird or two having their meal. They "eat" for about 10 seconds and then they are gone. Like a flash. I have tried to follow where they go but I loose track of them within seconds. The kids love when the come to eat. Near as we can tell there are two but I am sure there are more. One is named Mikey because "he likes it." The other Little Mama named Strawberry because the kids say it has red on its tail. They have better eyes then me :) They are so tiny and "soft" looking. Nature Girl asked about whether or not it could be a pet but I told her they would be miserable in any kind of captivity. God did not make this animal to be caged. We have had the feeder for a couple of months and we all still get excited when Mikey and Strawberry come to dine . . . .

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