Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Sabbath Day

I am not good at napping. It is hard for me to sleep in the middle of the day. Sleeping is something I do when I am thoroughly wore out at the end of the day. I make my children rest or at least play quietly. My husband LOVES to take naps in the afternoon :) I usually end up stewing because everyone can "catch a few winks" but me. I try. I usually end up feeling guilty. So I read, make cards or sort something. But, God is pressing upon me the fact that He rested on the Seventh Day. God rested. Yes, He accomplished much in those first six days but He rested. It is even one of the Ten Commandments Ex. 20:8. So, maybe it is OK on Sunday to put my feet up, lay my head down and think peaceful thoughts free of any guilt . . . .

1 comment:

Katie said...

Yes! Exactly. My husband can nap anywhere, anytime. The kids do pretty good too. I on the other hand, the sleep-deprived one, nap never. The exception is when I was pregnant...I couldn't help but nap, my eyes just closed. I hope you get a couple of good naps in before Baby C is born.